Donations to Collie Rescue, Inc.
It takes a village...
Collie Rescue, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. We rely on the help of the community to ensure that we can help any animal that comes into our organization, providing them with any needed medical attention and providing them with a loving foster home until such time as they find their forever home. We have no employees and no payroll. This means that 100% of your donation goes to helping collies in need. There are a number of ways that you can support Collie Rescue, Inc., from online shopping to direct donations. Here are some ways that you can help.

Federal & State Campaigns

Most collies who find their way to Collie Rescue, Inc. have been through a lot. With proper veterinary care, a healthy diet, and lots of love, these remarkable creatures are capable of returning to health and provide so much to those who adopt them. The average cost for this care is about $500. Donating to Collie Rescue, Inc. ensures that we can continue to provide this needed service.
Memorial Gift Program
If there is a special animal or person you would like to honor, consider a gift in their name to Collie Rescue, Inc.’s Memorial Gift Program. Your donation will help us to provide health care for collies in need. Collie Rescue, Inc. will promptly send a personalized card to the person or family indicated, notifying them of your thoughtful donation. You will receive a tax deductible receipt.
Memorial request forms are available for download in two popular formats:
- Download PDF form (425 KB)
- Download Microsoft Word form (306 KB)
Shop online at Up to 26% of each purchase you make goes to support Collie Rescue, Inc. Your shopping at hundreds of very popular online stores helps benefit our cause with each purchase!